May 18th, 2023


11am - 1pm

Lunch and Auction

1pm - 3pm

After Party


"We Are One" Partnership Video

Groundbreaking News to Share - from Christene Close, Board Chair

February 1, 2022
To our longstanding and faithful supporters of Rancho Damacitas: 
It is with great joy that I share with you that our partnership with Community Mission of Hope is now complete. Papers were signed last week finalizing this new collaboration allowing the families we serve to enjoy a greater array of programs and services on the road to self-sufficiency. 
To those who may just be learning of this news: the many challenges of the last two years amid the pandemic meant that Rancho Damacitas needed to find new, creative solutions to ensure our future and to ensure that the women and children we serve could continue to find hope and healing for the future. 
This new partnership opens many doors for us. Last year, Community Mission of Hope met the needs of nearly 750 individuals in case management, connected 30 families with housing, and had over 11,000 visits to their Food Pantry which distributed 1 million pounds of food to those in need. 
This means our families also will have access to this wide array of services, reinforcing our mission to empower them for the future. Rancho Damacitas mothers have already begun to meet with case managers from Community Mission of Hope, have accessed food distribution, and can enjoy a variety of classes there as well. Additionally, once our mothers have met their two-year limit, they are now eligible for Hope Family Housing, Community Mission of Hope’s affordable housing program.
I know much has changed in the world over the last two years. So much still seems uncertain at times. I hope that like me, you will welcome this exciting collaboration that honors our rich history at Rancho Damacitas and stands to make a bright future for those we serve. 
Look for more news coming soon on this partnership and how you can support both organizations as we celebrate. 
With gratitude, 
Christene Close
Board Chair, Rancho Damacitas